**Easter Kingdoms** Alterac Mountains Arathi Highlands Badlands Blackrock Mountain Blasted Lands Burning Steppes Deadwind Pass Deeprun Tram Dun Morogh Duskwood Eastern Plaguelands Elwyn Forest Hillsbrad Foothills Ironforge Loch Modan Redridge Mountains Searing Gorge Silverpine Forest Stormwind City Stranglethron Vale Swamp of Sorrows The Hinterlands Trisfal Glades Undercity Western Plaguelands Westfall Wetlands **Kalimdor** Ashenvale Azshara Azuremist Isle Bloodmyst Isle Darkshore Darnassus Desolace Durotar Dustwallow Marsh Eversong Woods Felwood Feralas Ghostlands Gates of Ahn'qiraj Moonglade Mulgore Orgrimmar Silithus Stonetalon Mountains Tanaris Teldrassil The Barrens Thousand Needles Thunder Bluff Un'Goro Water Winterspring **Outlands** Blade's Edge Mountains Hellfire Penisula Nagrand Netherstorm Shadowmoon Valley Terokkar Forest Zangarmarsh **Dungeons** Blackfathom Deeps Blackrock Depths Blackrock Spire Dire Maul Gnomeregan Maraudon Ragefire Chasm Razorfen Downs Razorfen Kraul Scarlet Monastery Scholomance Shadowfang Keep Stratholme Sunken Temple The Deadmines The Stockade Uldaman Wailing Caves Zul'Farrak **Raids** Ahn'Qiraj 20 Ahn'Qiraj 40 Blackrock Spire Blackwing Lair Molten Core Naxxramas Onyxia's Lair Zul'Gurub **BC Dungeons** Hellfire Citadel Hellfire Ramparts The Blood Furnace The Shatered Halls Coilfang Reservoir The Slave Pens The Underbog The Steamvault Auchidoun Mana-Tombs Auchenai Crypts Sethekk Halls Shadow Lavyrinth Tempest Keep The Arcatraz The Botanica The Mechanar Caverns of Time Old Hillsbrad The Black Morass **BC Raids** Black Temple Mount Hyjal Gruul's Lair Karazhan Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshire Cavern The Eye **Battlegrounds** Alterac Valley Arathi Basin Eye of the Storm Warsong Gulch